Aún no hemos podido develarlo. Pero resulta evidente que
algo muy raro está ocurriendo.
Primero que Bill posteara acerca de volver a casa con
"sus bebés" y mostrara en la casa Kaulitz, a Stitch y Capper. Incluso
si Tom no regresó con él a LA, ¿no se suponía que lo estaría
cuidando HK en su enorme villa, que es donde "supuestamente" vive Tom
con su perro ?
Luego, que Sara Alviti mostrara a ambos perros en el estudio
Kaulitz, donde, por cierto, puede que ella estuviera haciendo algún trabajo
relacionado con su intención de ser cantante (¿quizá una colaboración?), pero
no imagino a Bill en el estudio tocando aquellos aparatos raros de grabación y
programas sin Tom.
Porque como él lo ha dicho, solo carga con el micrófono, por
eso escogió ser el cantante.
Luego HK pone su "I love you Tom Kaulitz" con una
foto más que vieja, de julio del año pasado,donde podemos notar que ella toma
varias fotos y despues usa las que no ha publicado. Ya pasó todo el día de San
Valentín y hasta hoy 16 de febrero no ha puesto nada, ni a Tom, ni siquiera un
post sobre los regalos que le dio su "prometido" (mientras Bill sí
puso sus globos y sus flores, a pesar de estar "soltero").
Después Bill tenía en su camerino de GNTM a Capper y la cama
de Stitch; Bill, no H,
Los paparazzi crearon el rumor de que Lena (cantante
alemana, amiga de los Ks, promovida por su empresa Treehouse Ticketing) sea la
novia de Bill, quien salió con él, Natalie Franz y algunas personas más a quien
no se reconoce, en la noche de San Valentín al Chateau Marmont...
Dicen que fueron a cenar, pero de hecho lo que posteó Bill
en su historia fue de Friezeart fair. En la exposición estaban,
además, Shay y Shiro, Thomas Hayo, y muchos otros amigos, al parecer todo el
mundo VIP de L.A. estaba invitado.

Thomas Hayo en friezeartfair
Shiro Gutzie en Instagram “I spy @shay_todd and moi @friezeartfair
Y luego fue la fiesta asociada a la exposición:
Falaschetti Instagram Story
billkaulitz's story on
Instagram, uploaded 15.02.2019, 6.20 GMT
nataliefranz1's story on Instagram, uploaded 15.02.2019, 19.26 GMT
Por cierto, al parecer Bill pasó por Natalie a su hotel...
y en la mesa de las flores de ella aparece ¿la correa de
Stitch?, pero no le dejaron los perros a ella, porque ella salió con Bill, ella
misma puso historia de cuando Bill pasó a buscarla y después los paps la
tomaron en el Chateau.
¿Quién se quedó entonces con los perros? ¿Sería Tom? Jaja. Este misterio está bueno para Sherlock
I don't think it was twins' studio, the floor is wooden there. I think Heidi and Tom spent Valentine's day in Bill's house, that's why he had roses and balloons there, now Tom and Heidi walk Capper there today. I don't like this thought
ResponderBorrarWhat thought, can you share with us? Yes, you are right, looks like that isnt K´s studio, for sure is another one, but we dont know where, maybe a new one with better equipement ? we believe that the balloons and roses are from Tom to Bill, why do we believe that? The songs that he puts in his stories with each video are significant and relate to past events and previous IG stories. We do not believe that H has been with Tom, beside it is very noticeable that H does not step on the K's house, only on her birthday and that was an horrible party, Tom does not spend Valentine's day than with Bill and this time it seems it was not the exception, H would have stuffed us with videos and photos if she was with him ... until today she publishes him and we do not believe her delay was because of PRIVACY, but because Tom simply was not with her. We are not sure but the photo where he has Capper it seems was near the house of the K ...
BorrarI don´t like the thought that the roses could have been for Heidi, but in the meantime I think like you - the "happy couple" spent Valentine´s day apart. Heidi´s video surely was old, just like the pics with Capper, he wears a different shirt than in the car! Twins went together in one car which is also a sign that Tom never was with her. I think Tom didn´t meet Heidi yesterday. Maybe he really was hiding with Bill, I don´t believe that Natalie slept at K house btw.
ResponderBorrarI really think Tom was with Bill in valentines, and Tom the rest of Valentine's Day has been hiding in House K while Bill went out to do the circus showing be alone that day, to imply that Tom was with H as she said they would spend the day in bed, why in bed? hiding in the house, perhaps? Yes, Tom had different clothes, and if it was Tom's Cadillac, it was because they were together. Natalie with her IG stories of roses makes us see that it is a hotel where she surely stayed
BorrarI don´t believe that Natalie slept at K house, becuase she had her own apartment or hotel room, where she posted the roses she got from her partner, Lado Alexi. And why the roses and ballons would be for H and she didn't posted them but Bill? That makes no sense. If were for her, she should post them too. But she didn't post a thing about her Saint Valentine's day or Tom's gifts for her. You may think she was becoming more private, but suddenly, she posts her and Tom... ¡in bed! No, she is not private at all, if she didn't post Tom those days is because he wasn't with her.