viernes, 8 de febrero de 2019


La pregunta era ¿Todavía viven juntos? Y Tom dice: "Sí.... más o menos. En este caso más bien menos". Pues bueno, Tom, ¿sí o no? El primer impulso fue decir Sí, per creo que Bill le advirtió por la conexión: No, Tom, ese no es el guion, recuerda, hay que decir que vives con Heidi. Así que hubo que arreglar la cosa... Y Bill tomó la palabra para decir que: "Ya no vivimos juntos. Nos vemos uno al otro todos los días." 

Pero ahí viene lo más raro, dice Tom: "No hay una gran diferencia porque nunca dormimos en una cama", jajajajaja, Tom, ¿quién habló de que durmieran en la misma cama? (que sí lo hacen, mentirosillo, pero ese no es el caso). Su mente salta directamente a twincest en cuanto hablan de Bill y él, ¿no? Ay, ellos mismos se echan de cabeza.

 Por cierto, antes le preguntaron a los gemelos si pueden vivir una vida privada y Tom dijo "tenemos una vida muy retraída en NUESTRA casa". O sea, ¿exactamente dónde vive Tom? LOL

19 comentarios:

  1. OPD Tom siempre tan honesto

  2. Tom se tapa la boca cuando dice "sí", eso quiere decir que estaba mintiendo cuando dijo que están viviendo juntos.

    1. Además de que se apoya en Bill, cómo? Lo voltea a ver a cada rato,súmale las orejas rojas jeje

  3. No sé que voy hacer con estos dos, me encanta, que se pongan en evidencia de esta manera; pero al mismo tiempo me da tristeza pensar que tienen que pasar menos tiempo juntos; por culpa del showzito que quieren montar con la Heidi. Y una cosa que me pareció interesante es que Tom casi no habla de su relación con HK y cuando lo hace se pone incomodo. No se supone que la "ama" y q hasta se va a casar con ella? Cuál es el miedo?. Mi teoría es que no quiere lastimar más a Bill hablando de ella

    1. Parece se reservaron el hablar de H para este show,no dudo ellos también estén hartos de ella,pero deben de "pagarle" de alguna manera lo que ella está haciendo.

    2. Exacto es justo lo que parece que están haciendo, "pagándole" la publicidad. Imposible shippear a Heidi y a Tom, ahí, no hay pasión, ni amor, ni nada.

  4. Comprobado, lo de Heidi y Tom termina este mismo año. Sólo queda esperar al final de las promociones de Melancholic Paradise, y a que Bill concrete sus proyectos. Estoy definitivamente muy feliz :'D

    1. Yo pienso habrá boda,pero a la respuesta que Tom dio...I hope...ya no sé que esperar, espero lo peor así no duele el golpe. No hay furuto porque no hay nada. Ella es la que está ilusionada tratando de pescar a Tom ,por eso los rumores del embarazo, presión sicológica. Esperemos termine pronto.

    2. Claro que habrá boda, dudo que Heidi se quede con los "moños hechos". Esa mujer vive del show, ese es su único talento. Y espero que presione mucho a Tom, así lo termina cansando de una vez, y tal vez termine con ella pronto.

  5. The more I watch this video the more I discover. Lanz asked Tom "did you move out" but he doesn't say "yes", he answers "we don't live together that often" and then Bill interrupts "we don't live together anymore". They both are giggling and look at each other. The way they reacted shows me that they lie, Tom feels so uncomfortable. Tom will marry Heidi but I hope they will continue living at separate places and just spend time together for IG

    1. I believe the wedding will take place, falsely but it will be done, will not stay with the desire,after this, I think they will continue with the same technique of showing Tom only a few times in the week, Bill and Tom will continue living together, until a few months pass and the "divorce" arrives

  6. Just another question. She didn't show Capper the whole week. She's back from NYC already two days but she didn't post him. If Tom lives with her Capper would live there too. In my opinion this is another hint that Tom lives with Bill most of the time

    1. Good observation. That's because the twins probably took the dogs with another person, the twins' dogs are used to going for a walk and sleeping with their owners. Heidi does not take care of her dogs, she does not take them for a walk, she just takes the kaulitz dogs out and forgets her own. Her own dogs are not allowed to climb on the bed and the twins' dogs are used to sleeping on the bed and in the bedroom. There was a picture that Bill published, the kaulitz dogs were in a single bed for dogs, but, these were in her bathroom, not in the bedroom from Heidi´ house. So I doubt the twins leave their dogs in the care of this woman

    2. So I doubt the twins leave their dogs in the care of this woman - I agree but since Bill claims that Tom lives with Heidi it would be time to make Capper get used to his new "mommy". Why would someone else take care of his dog? To me it seems like another lie. She only posts Capper when Tom is in her house too, so obviously when Tom isn´t there Capper is away too. I live with my bf and when I have to travel I leave my cat with him and don´t search for someone else where I bring her - even more if it´s just for one week. They lie, but not good enough, they are too predictable too. This week Natalie will make a big show and post from Kauliz house. I really hope they marry soon because that will be the beginning of the end of this circus

    3. Yes, we must wait a lot more shows and rumors, they are too obvious and predictable, I do not doubt they change the movements they do.

  7. There's a new SoundCloud interview with Coca Cola. They asked them what's the most luxurious thing about "their" house and Bill says "the view, WE have a view all over the city and WE enjoy it" while Tom agrees in the background "yeah, yeah yeah". Why didn't Bill correct "it's MY house now" or something like that? Tom also told recently that Capper always sleeps in his bed under the sheets. Don't tell me that Heidi would like this. I don't believe Tom moved out.

    1. I agree with you. What do you think about today? Balloons and roses in the Kaulitz' house, for Bill I guess? Why HK doesn't show Tom? Where is Tom? Bill had Capper. Something is very strange...

  8. Maybe Tom is sick, he told last week at Lanz that he had a cold. But it's weird that Capper was at the set yesterday. I have no idea what's happening right now. Heidi surely will post him later, I think she enjoys to let us wait. I'm just pissed about Natalie, her "proof"posts don't convince me. They only try to hide that Tom still lives with Bill.
