Ya lo habíamos dicho antes, Tom es siempre la inspiración de Bill (y Bill la de Tom, ya que estamos en eso), ya sea escribiendo canciones, o diseñando.
Y su modelo personal y favorito, en el cual se basa para diseñar cada pieza... (además porque le quedan muy bien, xD)
Para que no queden dudas, Tom hizo un photoshoot de About
You en 2019 dedicado solo a los diseños de su

Una T-Shirt con tu foto y tus graffiti, jajaja, ay Tom, genial que la uses y representes lo que Bill siente...
O sea, no hacía tanta falta que en la premier se apareciera Tom con la "prometida", ya que la señora da mala energía y puede empañar el brillo de Bill... Tom ya le ha dado todo su apoyo a Bill y se lo seguirá dando siempre...
Si este 6 de julio también está ahí apoyando el show de moda de Bill como diseñador, ¡qué bien! Sino, ya sabemos que su apoyo no depende de eso...
Yo no espero que aparezca que ella. Pero si Tom. Es su primer presentación como diseñador. Tal vez no quiera ir para no robarle reflectors pero si es un poco decepcionante
ResponderBorrarYo dudo que sea para robarle reflectores, mas bien, creo H debe cubrir mucho su circo, y retener a Tom es lo que mejor puede probar que Tom esta loco por ella...
BorrarTom isn't there. He went to Japan. I'm shocked. Ok, I see that he has to accompany her but he could have watched yesterdays show since he knew he couldn't go today. I can't explain why he went on a road trip instead. This is not ok.
ResponderBorrarWe haven't seen Tom in her IG either... I think Tom was with Bill, but he didn't show up to the show, so it will still look like Tom is with her.
BorrarTom supports Bill in any way, not only being there. There's an explanation for everything the twins do, that we don't know what it is doesn't mean is because they are "fighting", or Tom is a "bad twin", or something like that
BorrarI can't believe Tom wasn't there. I'm speechless.
ResponderBorrarWe're all the same., but im sure is for a good reason, trust them
BorrarYeah, they must have a good reason.
BorrarMe parece una falta de respeto lo que ha hecho Tom.... Georg como buen amigo si que ha ido a darle su apoyo! Faltar en un día tan especial para Bill...no hay circo que deba permitir eso
ResponderBorrarI'm proud of Georg but I'm really shocked what Tom did. There's no excuse and no contract can justify that he didn't share this important day with Bill. My heart is broken.
BorrarIt depends on the type of contract and if she's the one who's in charge, Tom's hands are tied.
BorrarQue Tom no estuviera en el evento de Bill, fue una decisión que ambos tomaron, ellos sabrán el porqué. Pero creo que Tom sí quería estar ahí, pero no podía, y no por complacer a H, ya que al único que Tom complace en todo es a Bill.
ResponderBorrarTal vez después de este show con H por Paris. Los gemelos tengan unos días libres del circo y puedan celebrar en privado como a ellos les gusta. Y tal vez (ojalá) Bill nos comparta un poquito de su amor en su IG
We have to be aware that Tom will be in Japan for probably two weeks (that was the time she filmed in LA and Paris). I don't expect twins to be alone before the wedding and honey moon, so they won't celebrate Bill's fashion show in private in due time. Let's face it, this bitch will be with Tom for the whole summer so it would have been important to attend the shows now. He missed one of the most important days in Bill's life and that can't be made up in autumn. I'm sad.
BorrarYeah, he's probably with her in Tokyo, and more now that secret wedding rumors have spread, it's too coincidental... I think that here we can see the weight that the Twins have with her at their side, it is important that she leaves their lives NOW How much pressure do the twins have to be separated by the circus with her ?
BorrarYes, she has to leave but she was clever enough to let Bill participate in her drag queen show so they can't leave her for many months. I fear they underestimated her. They won't be able to come out of all this and I'm afraid that after the wedding it will get worse.
BorrarI also think they thought it would be simpler, she always shows a friendly face and in the end pulls out the teeth and claws, so even more I think they'll know how to take care of themselves.
BorrarIlialy Luna, casi leíste mi mente, xD. Yo pienso igual que tú, que todo eso tiene una respuesta que no logramos descifrar aún, pero jamás implicará que dude del amor entre Bill y Tom, o que vaya a pensar que a Tom no le interesa lo que hace Bill. La explicación debe existir, solo que aún no la sabemos, pero lo importante es que no dudemos que ellos están de acuerdo y toman decisiones juntos sobre lo mejor para ambos y su amor, para no ponerse en peligro...
BorrarTotalmente de acuerdo contigo .
BorrarEn la ultima foto de Heidi parece tener una llamada con Tom. Esas facecam. Sigmifica que no está con Heidi?
ResponderBorrarEs muy probable, como dije, yo creo Tom si estuvo con BIll pero no en el evento, así la exclusiva la tiene esa perra, pero como en ocasiones anteriores, no debe mostrarlo. Mas extraño aun, son 3pm en Tokio y no había ni un rastro de Tom con Heidi en su IG o en "su cama" ?
BorrarI think he's sleeping in Heidi's bed. He seems to have gone back to LA. If that's the case I even feel worse. He could have stopped in Berlin and then have returned to LA.I don't understand this anymore.
ResponderBorrarYeah, he was in Heidi's bed, but this is planned. The fact that Tom is in his bed does not show that he lives with her or sleeps with her, we assure you that they do not sleep together and she knows that with only one photo everyone believes her show.
BorrarTom went to LA yesterday, Bill returns today. Do you have an explanation why Tom didn't stay just one single night to see Bill's show? Honestly, this starts to destroy my faith. I would have understood if he had to accompany Heidi, but this is weird.
ResponderBorrarit's a rest period for them away from H, now they are in LA without it, besides, to be in Bill's event would be for him to talk about the wedding plans, and the truth is that Tom is not good at lying, they surely planned it like that, after a great show with H in Paris, Tom has a rest and Bill knows he has Tom's support from the shadows?
BorrarMaybe something's wrong between Bill and Tom...
ResponderBorrarThey seemed happy last week in Paris but who knows what happened since then. It's really weird. Like anon said before, I would have understood if Tom had accompanied her. But going back to LA one night before Bill and missing this important show is strange and worries me
BorrarI don't think they fought, nothing is wrong except that Heidi is in their lives
BorrarTom could have shown just one sign that he cares for Bill's show. Nothing. I don't believe that he never is on Instagram. I don't expect him to post a text but a like would have been nice. I don't believe that Heidi doesn't allow him to like Bill's pic. I cant believe this happened.
ResponderBorrarY ahora se muestran juntos paseando a sus perros como diciendo miren no pasa nada. Empiezo a odiar sus juegos. Go to hell boys!
ResponderBorrarAl final, ellos están juntos